Saturday, May 14, 2011


1. I bind it and it walks; I loose it and it stops.
2. What is given first and kept later?
3. What is the longest rope in the world?
4. What kind of nut has no shell?
5. When are eyes not eyes?
6. I left the room on two legs and returned with six.
6. If you have it, you want to share it; if you share it, you no longer have it.
7. Where can you read a whole book before finishing a sentence?
8. Why was it hard for Henry David Thoreau to leave his cabin?
9. Three eyes I have - all in a row - each of a different color.
10. When is a dog's tail not a dog's tail?


1. A sandal
2. Your word (a promise)
3. Europe
4. A doughnut
5. When an onion makes them water
6. You returned carrying a chair.
7. In prison
8. He was walled in. (Walden)
9. A traffic stoplight
10. When it's a wagon

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