Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Credit: GAMES Magazine - Oct. 2004
Stephen Sniderman

Each definition in the left-hand column has two legitimate answers that fit into the partially filled-in answer on the right.

1. Firm........................................................ ST _ _ DY
2. Place of worship................................... CH _ _ _ _
3. Meal....................................................... _ _ _ N _ _
4. Huge beast, briefly.............................. _ _ _ _ O
5. Rude....................................................... I _ _ _ _ ENT
6. Inhabitant............................................. _ _ _ IZEN
7. Watchdog's warning............................ _ _ _ _ L
8. Currency unit....................................... _ _ _ O
9. Very populous nation......................... _ _ _ _ A
10. Thud, boom, bang, etc...................... _ O _ _ _
11. Widespread........................................ _ _ _ DEMIC
12. Part of the year................................. AU _  U _ _
13. Barnyard bird................................... _ _ _ _ _ E _


1. Steady/Sturdy
2. Church/Chapel
3. Dinner/Brunch
4. Hippo/Rhino
5. Impudent/Insolent
6. Citizen/Denizen
7. Growl/Snarl
8. Peso/Euro
9. China/India
10. Sound/Noise
11. Epidemic/Pandemic
12. Autumn/August
13. Chicken/Rooster

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