Monday, September 22, 2014


The blanks in each clue below can be filled in with words or letters which will complete the word or partial word beginning on the left and begin the word or partial word ending on the right. The number of blanks indicates the number of missing letters.

1. A _ _ _ F
2. AL _ _ DA
3. CO _ _ LE
4. FL _ _ CH
5. CORP _ _ DAN
6. PAL _ _ _ ST
7. TEE _ _ _ORY
8. TRO _ _ _ SICS
9. COM _ _ _ ON

The first letters are:
1. C
2. S
3. A
4. E
5. S
6. T
7. T
8. P
9. B


1. aCHEf
2. alSOda
3. coAXle
4. flEAch
5. corpSEdan
6. palTRYst
7. teeTHEory
8. troPHYsics
9. comBATon 

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