Sunday, December 21, 2014

Credit: GAMES Magazine - Oct. 2005
Jennifer Orehowsky

Each clue below leads to a familiar phrase, title, or name containing a synonym for "gathering of people." For example, given the clue Alternative to one-on-one time with a psychiatrist, the answer would be GROUP THERAPY.

1. Democratic or Republican
2. Convicts' work detail of old
3. Baseball organization for youth
4. Las Vegas regulars of the 1950's
5. Everybody doing what I say
6. Short hair style for men in 1950's
7. United Nations deliberative body
8. Alone, according to Ambrose Bierce
9. Mobile computer repair unit
10. Defense tactic of pioneers heading west
11. Unspecified number
12. Anonymous person
13. It can be brass or gold
14. Negative judgement based on your choice of friends


1. Political party
2. Chain gang
3. Little League
4. Rat Pack
5. Teamwork
6. Crew cut
7. General Assembly
8. In bad company
9. Geek Squad
10. Circle the wagons
11. Bunch
12. Face in the crowd
13. Band
14. Guilt by association

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