Friday, December 19, 2014

Credit: GAMES Magazine
October, 2010
William Jacob Bechem 

BOW is an interesting word. First of all, it is a heteronym. That is, it can be pronounced two different ways, each one with a different meaning: BOW as in BOW and arrow, and BOW as in take a BOW. Each of these pronunciations are also interesting. BOW, as in BOW and arrow has a homophone in BEAU. BOW as in take a BOW has a homophone is BOUGH. Additionally, BOW as in take a BOW has a homograph in BOW as in the BOW of a ship.

Can you think of a two-letter word that is also a heteronym - and has two different homophones for each of its meanings?

The two-letter word, in one of its pronunciations, has to do with music.


The word is DO. DO can be pronounced DO as in to DO something, and DO as the first note in the musical scale, as in DO re mi. DO as in to DO something has homophones DEW and DUE. DO as in DO re mi has homophones DOE and DOUGH. 

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