Thursday, May 28, 2015

The answers to the clues below will have something in common:

1. Like the heebie-jeebies
2. Feverish
3. Prized game fish
4. Certain fruit pastry
5. Lunch counter request
6. Interim rulers
7. Iconic TV chef
8. Guffaw
9. Philodendron, for example
10. Mickey
11. One-named 60's singer
12. Window sticker


1. Jangled nerves
2. Febrile
3. Marlin
4. Apricot tart
5. Hold the mayo
6. Junta
7. Julia Child
8. Horselaugh
9. House plant
10. Doctored drink
11. Donovan
12. Decal

What the answers have in common:

Each answer conceals the abbreviation of one of the months of the year, in order:

1. JANgled nerves
2. FEBrile
3. MARlin
4. APRicot tart
5. hold the MAYo
6. JUNta
7. JULia Child
8. horselAUGh
9. houSE Plant
10. dOCTored drink
11. doNOVan
12. DECal

Credit: NY Times Crossword
June Boggs


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