Sunday, October 4, 2015

Credit: GAMES/World of Puzzles
September, 2015
Kirk Miller

LIMERIDDLES are a combination of limericks, riddles, and puns. One or more words in each limerick have been omitted. Use rhyming patterns and clues within the limerick to fill in the blanks. The number of blanks indicates the number of letters in the answer word or words. For example,

Lengthy fairy tales surely are wrong,
Though the story line may be strong.
When the creatures have roared,
Little kids get bored,
'Cause they _ _ _ _ _ _ completely too long.

The missing word would be DRAGON - as in "drag on."

Lots of fumes did she breathe from the paint,
Is it true she'll pass out? No it ain't.
It is simply a ploy
That she'll use on the boy,
To end up in his arms. It's a _ _ _ _ _ .

Charles Darwin's big theory involved
Some techniques that took time 'til resolved.
It shouldn't seem eerie
That Darwin's big theory
Didn't come all at once; it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

'Twas a poet named William at birth,
Wrote 'bout nature, had simply no dearth
Of superior prose.
As his English fame rose,
He found out just how much his _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Golfers cuss all day long 'til they're hoarse.
I don't like it; to me it's the source
Of a peeve, drives me mad,
Tees me off, it's so sad
The rough language is _ _ _ for
The _ _ _ _ _ _ .

The baboons met one night on a date,
The gorilla his dreams - it was great!
He went ape at her sight
'Cause he knew that she might
Be the one he would call his _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ .


1. feint
2. evolved
3. Wordsworth
4. par -course
5. prime mate

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