Sunday, May 29, 2016


Answer each clue by matching it with one of the choices below. The choices are in random order. Wordplay is fair play.

1. Digital music maker of Old Rome
2. B's and C's
3. Surpass or unsurpassed
4. Illegal firing
5. High beams
6. Help wanted sign
7. Two
8. I saw
9. Home wrecker
10 Opposite of down


a. Arson
b. Company
c. Big Bad Wolf
d. Atomic numbers
e. Caesarean section
f. Four hundred
g. Across 
h. Best
i. Rafters
j. SOS


1. f - Four hundred (CD)
2. d- Atomic numbers (Boron/Carbon)
3. h - Best
4. a - Arson
5. i - Rafters
6. j - SOS (Save Our Ship)
7. b - Company (Two's company)
8. e - Caesarean section ("I came, I saw, I conquered.")
9. c - Big Bad Wolf (Three Little Pigs)
10. g - Across (Crossword puzzle)

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