Monday, January 2, 2017

NPR Weekend Edition Sunday Puzzle
August 15, 2010
Will Shortz

Each sentence below conceals the name of a tree. Can you spot them?

1. Mother said, "Use soap please."
2. Is the lollypop large?
3. The agency pressed for more money.
4. Don't film a hog anymore.
5. Tomorrow I'll own the company.
6. Some Pueblo customs are unusual.
7. Is the highway line thick or yellow?
8. The car raced around the track.
9. Can I access the web on your computer?
10. Albany and Buffalo are in upstate New York.
11. School officials must give them lockers.


1. use soAP PLEase
2. lollyPOP LARge
3. agenCY PRESSed
4. filM A HOG ANY more
5. tomorroW I"LL OWn
6. PuebLO CUSToms
7. tHICK OR Yellow
8. raCED ARound
9. wEB ON Your
10. AlBANY ANd
11. tHEM LOCKers

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