Sunday, January 15, 2017

NY Times Crossword
January 25, 2012
Gareth Bain

The sentences below conceal seven related words. Can you spot them?

1. She sings gospel music in the church choir.
2. He slowly sipped the cocoa, knowing how hot it was.
3. Nothing's as important as health.
4. The police relied on the eyewitness for information.
5. Every first aid kit should have adhesive tape.
6. I'll call you if I get the answer.
7. "Samba your way to Rio" was a slogan promoting tourism to Brazil.


Each sentence conceals the three-letter name of a tree:

1. gospEL Music
2. cocOA, Knowing
3. AS Health
4. eYEWitness
5. FIRst 
6. iF I Get
7. samB A Your

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