Saturday, March 24, 2018

Norma Steinberg

The answer to each clue is a familiar phrase with two letters transposed.

1. The first marathon?
2. Twirling scoundrel
3. Ocean vegetables
4. Long-time Tonight Show host explorer
5. Figs and apples, for sure
6. Victoria who kept a daily record of events
7. Highest former Russian autocratic standard
8. It usually follows "Two's company "

1. Greece
2. Louisiana
3. Marine
4. Ponce
5. Adam and Eve
6. Milk and cheese
7. Nicholas II was the last
8. Frequently heard car-trip question


1. Grecian run
2. Baton rogue
3. Marine crops
4. Ponce de Leno
5. Eats of Eden
6. Diary Queen
7. Tsar quality
8. "There's a crowd." 

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