Friday, August 30, 2024


1. What continent has no deserts?
2. In what states does the Appalachian Trail begin and end?
3. What is the name of the winged horse in Greek mythology?
4. What is the only number that has its letters in alphabetical order? 

5. Which planet in our Solar System is closest to the sun?
6. Who was the first man in space?
7. What are the first five books of the Old Testament called? 

8. Who is the equivalent of Zeus - king of the gods -  in Roman mythology?

9. What is the tallest mountain in the contiguous 48 states? What is the tallest mountain in the 50 United States?

10. What city spans two continents?

1. Europe
2. It begins in Georgia and ends in Maine
3. Pegasus 
4. Forty 
5. Mercury
6. Yuri Gagarin
7. The Torah or Pentateuch
8. Jupiter 
9. Mt. Whitney in California (14, 505 ft.)
    Mt. McKinley in Alaska (20, 320 ft.)
10. Istanbul, Turkey 

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