Saturday, August 31, 2024


Answer each clue by matching it with one of the choices below. The choices are in random order. Wordplay is fair play.

1. Spot remover
2. Feathered
3. Beaten
4. Art gallery
5. Double stitch
6. Grand Canyon
7. Double-decker bed 
8. Occasion for retirement
9. They often work at home
10. Fall through
11. Muscular jerk
12. Dasher and Dancer, for two

a. Umpires
b. A lot of bunk
c. Hall of frame
d. Dog catcher
e. Starbucks
f. So and so
g. Bearing down
h. Spasm
i. Hole of fame
j. Pit stop
k. December 21
l. Get a perfect score in gymnastics
1. d - Dog catcher
2. g - Bearing down 
3. l - Get a perfect score in gymnastics
4. c - Hall of frame
5. f - So and so (sew and sew)
6. i - Hole of fame
7. b - A lot of bunk
8. j - Pit stop (re-tire)
9. a - Umpires (home plate)
10. k - December 21
11. h - Spasm
12. e - Starbucks 
1-3: Rosalie Moscovitch
4-7: Jordan S. Lasher 
8-9: Colin Adams 

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