Thursday, September 19, 2024


Answer each clue by matching it with one of the choices below. The relationships are disguised by puns, altered spacing within words, and/or other wordplay. 

1. Bad spelling
2. Sweet old thing
3. Pile on the floor
4. Opposite of Chance
5. One doing the lord's work
6. Hand-to-hand contact
7. Place over a fire
8. Number on a porch 
9. Attempt to bring up the passed
10. It may come down after the wheels go up
a. Sugar daddy
b. Mantel
c. Serf
d. Seance
e. Carpet
f. Clapping
g. Tray
h. Black magic
i. Community Chest
j. Carol

1. h - Black magic
2. a - Sugar daddy
3. e - Carpet
4. i - Community Chest
5. c - Serf
6. f - Clapping
7. b - Mantel
8. j - Carol (Christmas)
9. d - Seance
10. g - Tray (airplane)
3: Rich Norris
4. Scott Marley
6: Mike Shenk
7-8: Patrick Berry 
9: Paul Leistra 
10. Barbara Lin

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