Wednesday, September 11, 2024


GAMES Magazine
June, 1984
David Diefendorf
Aunt Hildegarde's likes and dislikes change with the relatives she visits. She likes things that are based on the word structure of the relative she has most recently seen. After visiting Aunt Toby, she came back liking meat, pageants, and cashmere. Why? Because Aunt Toby's name can be divided into two  words - TO and BY. - and so can ME AT, PAGE ANTS, and CASH MERE.
Aunt Hildegarde has just returned from visiting her cousin Forest.
Would she .........
1. rather work at home or in an office?
2. read about Attila or Genghis Khan?
3. prefer a lizard or a toad?
4. rather get paid the time and a half or overtime rate?
Does she ...........
5. prefer Fromm or Freud?
6. enjoy reading George Orwell or Upton Sinclair?
7. like Downton Abbey or Pride and Prejudice?
Do her ...........  
8. plants wither or wilt? 

1. office
2. Attila 
3. toad
4. overtime rate
5. Fromm
6. Upton Sinclair
7. Downton Abbey
8. Wither - - - Aunt Hildegarde likes words that begin with prepositions.


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