Wednesday, September 4, 2024


GAMES Magazine
September, 1986
David Diefendorf

Aunt Hildegarde prefers things that have the same word structure as the name of the relative she's seen most recently. She last visited Uncle Frank and came back liking Greeks, but not Roman, March, but not April, and crooks, but not criminals. That's because she likes things that can drop their first letter and become other words - like Frank and rank (Greeks-reeks, March-arch, crooks- rooks).
Most recently, Aunt Hildegarde has been to see Aunt Samantha, and now has a brand new list of likes and dislikes. Can you  figure out what's guiding her preferences now? 

Aunt Hildegarde:

1. Uses mascara, but not rouge
2. Wears miniskirts, but not sarongs
3. Uses detergent, but never bleach
4. Wears a Panama hat, but not a fedora
5. Likes Rin Tin Tin, but not Lassie
6. Collects color photos, but not tintypes
7. Watches the Cotton Bowl, but not the World Series
8. Supports the Green Berets, but not the Marine Corps 

Aunt Hildegarde likes words and phrases in which only one of the five vowels appears:
SAMANTHA - only A's
1. mascara - only A's
2. miniskirts - only I's
3. detergent - only E's, etc.

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