NPR Weekend Edition Sunday Puzzle
January 26, 2025
Will Shortz (1-8) [adapted]
Each clue below names a category. Can you think of two things in that category that start with the same three letters? For example, if the category were COLORS, you could answer GREEN and GREY.
1. Parts of the body
2. Numbers
3. Countries
4. Financial magazines
5. Fruit
6. U.S. state capitals
7. Cars
8. Breakfast cereals
9. U.S. states
10. U.S. cities in the southwest
The following categories have answers that start with the same four letters.
11. Orchestra instruments
12. Orchestra instruments
13. U.S. Presidents
1. Head, heart
2. Twelve, twenty
3. China, Chile
4. Fortune, Forbes
5. Pear, peach
6. Salem, Salt Lake City
7. Volvo, Volkswagon
8. Cheerios, Checks
9. Alabama, Alaska
10. Las Vegas, Las Cruces (NM)
11. Bass, bassoon
12. Violin, viola
13. Truman, Trump
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