Friday, February 17, 2017


1. What kind of truck can you step on?
2. Which number is always a winning number?
3. Which number makes you think of a full stomach?
4. Which country serves the most fried food?
5. Which animal enjoys a cloudburst?
6. Why did the pigs yawn every time their father spoke?
7. How do you know you missed the train?
8. When is a pig like ink?
9. Why did Johnny get three socks for his birthday?
10. Why is the moon worth a dollar?
11. What's a boxer's favorite drink?
12. Why is tennis such a noisy game?
13. How do you know oysters are lazy?
14. How can you make slow runners fast?
15. How can you identify a dogwood tree?
16. What did the mother chimney say to the baby chimney?
17. What house can you lift off the ground?
18. Why was the baker a cheap date?
19. Why is an English teacher like a judge?
20. What did one battery tell the other battery?
21. What happened when the leopard tried to run away?
22. Why isn't your nose 12 inches long?
23. What kind of dogs are the best swimmers?
24. Why did the chicken wash her chick's mouth our with soap?
25. What do you say when the judge says, "Order in the court"?


1. A tow truck
2. One
3. Eight
4. Greece
5. Reindeer
6. Their father was a bore
7. You can see its tracks
8. When you put it in a pen
9. He grew a foot
10. It has four quarters
11. Punch
12. Everyone raises a racket
13. They're always beds
14. Take their food away
15.  By it bark
16. You're too young to smoke
17. A lighthouse
18. He always ran out of dough
19. They both give out sentences
20.  I get a charge out of you
21. He was spotted
22. Because then it would be a foot
23. Lap dogs
24. For using foul language
25. A hamburger and soda, please

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