Friday, March 11, 2011

Credit: GAMES Magazine - Oct. 2003 
Stephen Sniderman

Each definition in the left-hand column has two legitimate answers that fit into the partially filled-in answer on the right.

1. Bible word............................................... _ P_ STLE
2. Spring thing............................................ _ _ OWER
3. Highly educated professional.............. PHYSICI _ _
4. Baseball position................................... _ _ TCHER
5. Goal sport..............................................._ OC _ E _
6. Cardinal number...................................FI _ _ _
7. Kind of weather..................................... _ _ _ NY
8. Big cat..................................................... _ _ _ _ AR
9. U.S. Capital............................................ _ _ ST _ N
10. U.S. Capital..........................................A _ _ _ _ TA


1. Apostle/Epistle
2. Flower/Shower
3. Physicist/Physician
4. Pitcher/Catcher
5. Soccer/Hockey
6. First/Fifth
7. Sunny/Rainy
8. Jaguar/Cougar
9. Austin/Boston
10. Atlanta/Augusta

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