Sunday, June 9, 2024


Answer each clue by matching it with one of the choices below. The choices are in random order. Wordplay is fair play.

1. Big name in pop culture
2. Piece of surfing equipment
3. Enjoys an intense activity
4. Risky business
5. Flatbread
6. Forward or back
7. Mac not a PC
8. Man of many words
9. Teal, mallard, rubber
a. Rent money
b. Remote
c. Roget
d. In order
e. Camps
f. Athlete
g. Coca-Cola
h. Insurance agency
i. Slicker 

1. g - Coca-Cola
2. b - Remote
3. e - Camps
4. h - Insurance agency
5. a - Rent money
6. f - Athlete
7. i - Slicker (Macintosh rain coat)
8. c - Roget (thesaurus)
9. d - In order (ducks in a row)
1-3: Caitlin Reid
4: Samuel A. Donaldson and Doug Peterson
5: Daniel Sheremeta

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