Thursday, October 3, 2024


Aunt Hildegarde has the odd habit of changing her likes and dislikes based on the first name of the relative she has most recently visited - or its letter structure.. For example, after she visited Uncle Frank, she liked people named Bill, Sue, Rob, and Rose. That's because she liked people whose names could also be regular words. Frank - with a small F - can also mean candid. Bill can be a bird's beak. Sue can be a court action, etc.

Aunt Hildegarde has just returned form visiting Aunt Rhoda. Can you determine which of the two things in each pair below Aunt Hildegarde now prefers?

1. Pica or elite type?
2. Minestrone or alphabet soup?
3. Baltimore or Philadelphia
4. Nudists or fashionistas?
5. Melodramas or musicals?
6. Southwest or Delta Airlines?

Aunt Hildegarde would choose:
1. PIca type
2. ALPHAbet soup
3. PHIladelphia
4. NUdists
5. MUsicals
6. DELTA Airlines - - - She likes things that begin with Greek letters, as in RHOda. 

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