Saturday, January 4, 2025


Fill in the blanks with words or partial words that will  complete the word, partial word, or phrase beginning at the left and begin the word or partial word ending at the right.

1. ST _ _ _ NT
2. BA _ _ _ CE
3. SH _ _ _ LY
4. DIS _ _ _ BE
5. PEN _ _ _ LID
6. CAD _ _ LAX
7. BEG _ _ CUT
8. CUR _ _ SAY
First of the missing letters:
1. A
2. S
3. E
4. M
5. P
6. R
7. U
8. E


1. stAGEnt
2. baSINce
3. shEARly
4. disMAYbe
5. pen PALlid
6. cadRElax
7. begUNcut
8. curESsay

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