Thursday, March 13, 2025

USA Today Crossword
May 29, 2022]
Zhouqin Burnikel 
The first four clues below have something in common that is hinted at by the fifth clue. Can you determine what it is?
1. "Know what I'm saying?"
2. 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. work hours
3. Increasing wedge in a relationship
4. Certain British elevator
5. Something of tangible or intangible value left by a person who has died 

Answer to Clue 5:
Answers to clue 1-4:
Each clue can be answered with a phrase that begins with G and ends with IFT - suggesting "parting" GIFT:
1. Get my drIFT?"
2. Graveyard shIFT
3. Growing rIFT
4. Gloucester lIFT

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